Have you ever wondered what resilience is, and where it really comes from?

Would you like to be able to take for granted that you are resilient; that you already have everything you need to navigate the twists and turns in life's path?

We all have our challenges and blind spots - events or situations in our life that look like the cause of feelings of stress or 'less-than-resilient'.

When we resolve a simple misunderstanding about what resilience really is and where those feelings of stress are really coming from, we can experience the freedom of understanding that our resilience is constant and limitless, and something we can rely on.

If you're open to the possibility that you can have less struggle and more ease, grace and enjoyment in your life, join me for 28 Days of Resilience, where we'll explore the truth about the nature of being human and the resilience that's innate to all of us.

There is a belief that many of us have taken as truth: that if you want children, and can't have them, you will be sad for the rest of your life.

Until now, it's been accepted that the best we can hope for is to find ways to cope with or come to terms with our grief, and that the journey will be a long and painful one.

But what if that's not true?

What if you are already complete, and your peace of mind, happiness and fulfilment are not dependent on whether you have children?

What if you can just be happy?

Join me as I explore ten myths about childlessness that have masqueraded as truth until now, and point you towards a much more helpful understanding of how we work as human beings.